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Fundraising Gala

On Wednesday, December 5, 2019, Fondasyon Klere Ayiti organized a gala fundraising evening at Tara's.  The benefits of this cocktail will support the charitable goals of its action plan in the areas of environment, health and community development.


Many personalities, partners and institutions came to Haiti to contribute to the Fondasyon Klere Ayiti, whose mission is to provide community services in various fields, specifically culture, education, environment, leadership, early childhood, health and sports, for the well-being of the population, especially the most disadvantaged, women and children.


During the gala, the First Lady of the Republic, Mrs. Martine Moïse, who is also the Honorary President of Fondasyon Klere Haiti, rewarded the winners of the Village Noailles art contest that Fondasyon organized in April 2018 under the theme: "Ayiti Klere jodi, la miyò demen. There was also an auction of painting works from Haitian artists Jean-Claude Legagneur, Albert Desmangles, Jean-Louis Sénatus, and Grégory Vorbe.


The evening, which was a success, included singing, dancing, theatre and a fashion show. The clothes made from fabrics, received from the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan), were from the collection of renowned Haitian designers Helmer Joseph and Maëlle F David. A menu that has undoubtedly ensured the delight of the guests.

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