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Fondasyon Klere Ayiti promotes civic and patriotic action through Vilaj Kado

Fondasyon Klere Ayiti is encouraging Haitians to become responsible citizens by launching Vilaj Kado, an awareness and educational campaign based on citizenship and the environment.


Launched on April 22, 2019 under the patronage of the Office of the First Lady, of the Republic of Haiti, Vilaj Kado was supported by the Office of Public Affairs, of the U.S. Embassy. This cartoon is an awareness campaign that aims to train Haitians to become citizens and eco-citizens, in order to know their rights and duties and to take responsible daily actions for the protection of the environment. 


The 3-month campaign was broadcasted in the form of educational and interactive cartoon videos, on social media, the foundation's website and on television channels such as: Télé Ginen, Télé Vision 2000, Télé Superstar and Télévision Nationale d'Haïti.


The main themes covered in the 17 videos of Vilaj Kado are: Environmental education (waste and water management; pollution; sanitation), Love of the country/governance (constitution, rule of law; 3 powers) Peace and gender equity (respect for others, etc.).

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